What to Expect When trying to change your Body Composition

Laying the Groundwork for Body Composition Transformation When you set out to change your body composition, it's not just about shedding pounds; it's about initiating a deeper, more meaningful transformation....

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Mastering Hormonal Balance: The Dynamic Duo of Insulin and Glucagon

In the quest for fitness and health, understanding the intricate dance between insulin and glucagon is crucial. These two hormones, secreted by the pancreas, play pivotal roles in energy regulation,...

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High-Protein Pumpkin Pie Recipe

With the pumpkin spice season upon us, this recipe has become one of my all-time favorites, perfect for those moments when I crave something homely and rich. I have a profound...

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The Double-Edged Sword of Caffeine & it’s Effects on Metabolism

Note: Always lean on the wisdom of a healthcare professional before making significant shifts in your diet or caffeine habits—especially when pregnant or nursing. Today, we’re unraveling the intricate tapestry...

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Relieve Neck Pain and Tension with this Exercise

This Will Change Your Life! During my professional career, I encountered the first serious injury that truly challenged me: a debilitating neck injury. Spending countless hours with my nose buried...

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Tension Talks: How Muscle Strain Shapes Strength and Size

In the realm of exercise physiology, muscle tension stands as a cornerstone concept. It refers to the extent of contraction or activation of muscles during physical exertion. Muscle Tension: the...

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5 Ways to Know if You Have Hormonal Disfunction

Caught in hormonal havoc? Your monthly cycle might just hold the answer. 🗓️ Consistency is key to understanding your hormonal health. Stay tuned to decode the top 5 signs of...

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5 Habits ruining your hormonal health

What my NICU Journey taught me! As I fought to regain my health after the challenging NICU journey with my newborn, I made a startling discovery. Many of the habits...

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Struggling with years of other programs that have left you without the body aesthetic you want? Or worse an accumulation of small annoying injuries that seem to keep you out of the gym? All the while your goal of looking like a superhero is slipping away. Thankfully there is Muscle Anarchy!



Ultra Babe is our all-inclusive online training program that provides you with access to all of our program tracks to help you change your training as needed to achieve the results you are looking for.



Tailored for anyone seeking to build muscular, athletic bodies for enhanced performance in daily activities and beyond. Our online training program offers advanced bodybuilding methods utilizing the machines and free weights commonly found in commercial gyms like LA Fitness, 24hr Fitness, and Gold's Gym.



Time to unleash your inner Beach Babe. Beach Babe focuses on building a sleek, tightly muscular body while increasing performance and athletic capacity. Our Beach Babe tribe is full of driven, passionate, hard working women who turn heads and crush goals everywhere they go.