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TRAINING PROTOCOLS There are three major mechanisms associated with muscle hypertrophy (an increase in muscle size): MUSCLE TENSION, MUSCLE DAMAGE, & METABOLIC STRESS.In many cases, these mechanisms occur in conjunction...


There are three major mechanisms associated with muscle hypertrophy (an increase in muscle size): MUSCLE TENSION, MUSCLE DAMAGE, & METABOLIC STRESS.
In many cases, these mechanisms occur in conjunction with others, making it hard to determine which one has the greatest effect. One thing is for sure: The adaptations associated with these stressors drive muscle growth.


The magnitude, frequency, and duration of loading on a muscle. Mechanosensors in muscles

respond to different types and levels of loading and force production that they are unaccustomed

to. This means heavy loading, new variations of movements, and resistance.


Acute trauma and damage to the outer membrane sheath of muscles, the sarcolemma, as well as

the internal contractile components such as the myosin and actin bonds that allow muscles to

shorten. This is best achieved by time under tension, slow eccentric muscle contractions (lengthening

of the muscle), and slow concentric muscle contractions (shortening of the muscle).


Acute hypoxia created in the muscle due to the by-products of muscle contraction, such as

hydrogen and lactate. This causes inter- and intracellular swelling and elicits enzymatic proteins

in the muscle to create an anabolic (muscle growing) response. This is best achieved by higher

reps, lighter weights, and shorter rest periods.


(Using our 90 Day Get Huge Program- RELOADED)

Phase One:

There are three phases of this program, building in both load and movement proficiency. The

first phase is a real eye opener. Athletes will build an understanding of technique, control, and

intensity with our 8x8 system (8 sets of 8 reps). This involves moving light weights (40 to 60%)

with slow control (3 second negatives with a pause at the top of each rep) for high reps

(64 reps per exercise) and short rest (30 seconds). The slow tempos help with mechanical

tension and muscle micro tearing. The short rest creates metabolic stress in the muscle with

compounding fatigue, and sets six, seven, and eight will become extremely challenging, even

with light weight. Start light — it gets hard fast. This is a great place for new, injured, and

untrained athletes to begin the process of muscle growth because it mitigates the risk of injury

by reducing speed and load.

Phases Two and Three:

But that is just the beginning. After a three-week wave of the same “core movement” training,

we go through a “deload week” before moving on to phase two. In this three-week cycle, we rotate exercises to respective movement variations, reduce the volume, increase the rest to one minute, and speed up the tempo to 2 second negatives with a 1 second pause at the top of each rep. This allows athletes to touch heavier weight (50 to 70%). Each phase incorporates more

loading and rest and less total volume, building you down to heavy sets of 10 reps of all of our progressive overload movements in phase three. Between each phase you will rotate “core exercises,” and you’ll also get a daily break from the linear periodization format of the same reps and movements with our two killer hypertrophy finisher accessory complexes. These incorporate more advanced bodybuilding methods and techniques from our Muscle Anarchy online program, keeping things fun and fresh and cashing out muscles each day you leave the gym.


Each training day ends with two killer hypertrophy finisher accessory complexes that complement the muscle groups and function in the four core progressive overload lifts that day. These finishers are fun, hard, and wickedly effective. They Incorporate more advanced bodybuilding methods, such as drop sets (progressive scaling), isometrics (hold), supersets (pairing different movements), giant sets (changing positions in the same movement), cluster sets (one set with little breaks in it), partials (half reps), mixed-tempo training (moving slower or faster for some reps), overload eccentrics (heavier on the way down), and dynamic resistance (load that changes during

the range of motion of a lift).



Training - 90-Day Get Huge Program ebook and hardcopy that includes 3 months of programming

Nutrition - Caloric, macronutrient goal, full meal plans, supplement recommendations as well as how to modify and adjust and personalize your plan

Coaching - Personal nutrition coaching on the private Facebook group through weekly check-ins where we adjust your prescription based on your progress. Additional coaching, support, education, and guidance on how to optimize and execute the Get Huge system

Tracking - Track your daily directives, set goals, work with precision and optimize the other 23 hours outside of the gym with the Thundrbro "Days of Thundr" journal (ebook and hardcopy) included

Also included - Beefcake T-shirt, weekly giveaways, quarterly prizes...and more!

90-Day GET HUGE Challenge



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