This is more than a book. This is a guide to help you find the Adonis inside of you. No matter what kind of guy you does exist. This guide should highlight some things you may already do or shed light on areas of your life that you can make an immediate change or improvement. All men have what's called clinically  “Attention Deficit Disorder” anyway, so this only needs to be one paragraph. We’re also not fucking doctors and everything in this guide is just our opinion and things we have personally used to reach a great amount of success, enlightenment, and gratitude. We have been told before that we look very happy, so we have decided to pick up the pen and paper (or google doc) and enlighten the world on what works for us. We are both currently married (to women way above our pay grade), make a healthy amount of money, are our own bosses, and have a ton of free time every day. We don’t say this to brag, we say it to show you, you can have it too.

**Paperback INCLUDES E-Book**
